
Age of mythology editor guide
Age of mythology editor guide

age of mythology editor guide

Material flags are created from scratch on "Import from Max", so make sure to remember them if you'd like to recreate them exactly after the import.Material texture names are taken from the filename.Brg takes all Editable_Meshes as meshes, that are not hidden, and Dummies as attachpoints.3ds Axis (AoM Axis Color) - X (Blue), Y (Red), Z (Green).AMP will remove material duplicates on export from Max, and update everything accordingly.You can set a default open, and save directory for the plugin by editing the AoMEngineLibraryPluginSettings.xml file in your 3ds Max directory.Its best to choose the MM:SS:TICKS option in the timing dialog of 3ds Max.When using animated UVs, the key frames of the animated UV are used for the creation of the meshes.Animation length can be set in Max's Time Configuration Menu, regardless of where your keys are.Set flag TEXCOORDSA, and MATERIAL, and format HASFACENORMALS in AMP.Make multi-material object, set it to 1 map, and set the first map to a standard material.Create a Teapot in 3ds Max, and convert it to editable mesh.If you are modding AoMEE, extract the MTRL files, using the button in the materials tab, and put them in the materials folder of your mod's directory.Įxample adding 3ds Max Teapot to AoM (See Guide):.Change additional settings such as mesh flags/format/properties, and material flags.From the Max menu, press export from 3ds Max.This tells the program what to export from max. Select the Mesh flags/format/properties that you want.Feel free to use the attachpoint box to add (dbl-click), or select attachpoints. Make all the edits you want to your model.Use the file menu to export the data to 3ds Max.Open a file, or select New to start from scratch.In order to best use this program, you'll want to follow this general workflow: Animated UVs - Animate your textures to create cool effects.Custom Materials - Use any number of materials, with a selection of various special properties for each.Custom Frames - Have a custom amount of frames for any duration of time.Attachpoints - Add, remove, and edit attachpoints straight from 3ds Max.With this program you can edit 3D model files for the Age of Mythology and the Extended Edition games.

Age of mythology editor guide